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"I wouldn't do it twice, but I would not 'not' do it once."

- ZDoggMD

Entries in Medschool Gifts (1)


5 Great Gift Ideas For Medschool Students

You’ve gotta accept it - as medical school grads, there are very few gift ideas or choices for us. What does one gift to a medical grad? A stethoscope?

But, thanks to Google, I’m glad to present a list of cool, yet unconvential gifts for medical grads.


GIFT IDEA #1 - The Ever Popular Tee Who said the ‘Trust Me, I’m Almost a Doctor’ shirt is old school? You’d be surprised at how many people think it makes an awesome gift for someone who’s ( almost ) a doctor. If you’re in for trying something new, there are a couple of other nice t-shirt options at Zazzle.




GIFT IDEA #2 - Geek Toys ThinkGeek is now a staple of computer geeks trying to give each other gifts that really matter. But, I really think there’s a bunch of gems there for medical grads too. Who’d not like to own the Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver ( maybe, a couple ) or The Caffeine Mug.





GIFT IDEA #3 - Who doesn’t love Buckyballs? This idea is pretty mainstream, but I think it still makes for a great gift. You could gift the traditional buckyball or go swanky and gift them a new and improved magnetic buckycubes set.






GIFT IDEA #4 - The Funny Prescription Pad Well, med students are not doctors still, but the funny prescription pad can come in handy for the future. Plus, you could have kicks by handing prescriptions that ask others to ‘take a chill pill’ :)




GIFT IDEA #5 - The Doctor Bag Feeling rich? For $150, you can gift someone The Doctor Bag Limoge. From the website: “Destined to become a family heirloom, this marvelous doctor's bag limoges is rich with history and detail. Hand crafted of Limoges porcelain in Limoges, France, this tiny treasure makes a tremendous gift. 2"W x 1 1/4"H x 1"D.” Who wouldn’t be happy if they got a hand-crafted porcelain doctor’s bag? Have more interesting gift ideas? Go ahead and comment!

Contributed by Todd Bently who works closely with the Nipissing University’s courses in the School of Nursing and their School Of English Studies

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