Medical Specialty Aptitude Test
As every medical student knows, first year of medical school everyone is talking about all the funny new words you get to learn; Tenesmus is my favorite.
Second year is all about studying and USMILE step I. And third year is about deciding what type of doctor you will become. The classic surgery vs medicine approach is a good place to start, but beyond that most things begin to fall apart for a lot of people.
Advice on the subject is almost endless and I have found that the more people you ask the more answers you will get. Never-the-less, it’s good to ask lots of questions and find out as much as possible about your areas of interest. The Univeristy of Virgina has this snazzy Medical Specialty Aptitude Test that may steer you in a good direction. If you are still not sure however, here are son alternative ways you can choose a specialty.
The British Medical Journal published an article in 2005 by Boris Veysman called Physician, Know Thyself, it includes the algorithm, posted above, to use as a guide when choosing a residency. I’m not sure of the sensitivity and specificity but I think most physicans say it's pretty accurate. If that algorithm didn’t solve all your problems this video may help. ZDoggMD and Dr.Harry gives a nuanced break down of a few different types of doctors and what to expect if you decide to join their ranks. Don't let the beatboxing and Justin Bieber impressions distract you from the pearls.
"I wouldn't do it twice, but I would not 'not' do it once."
- ZDoggMD