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"I wouldn't do it twice, but I would not 'not' do it once."

- ZDoggMD

Entries in Interview Advice (1)


9 Tips For A Great Interview

Okay, here's the honest truth: I am not a career counselor, HR expert, or business savant.

However, recently a friend emailed me and asked for some advice.  She had a number of interviews set up and was wondering if I could give her some tips on interviewing.  

I sent her the following email, and she later told me that she felt like the tips helped her and that the interviews went well.

So, for those who are curious, I've reproduced my tips below.  Her intervierws aere non-medical, but I believe these principles still apply regardless of your type of interview.

Remember, consider these tips at your own risk.  If you quote me, I'll deny I ever wrote them...

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