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Managing Student Loan Debt

A Government Program You Need to Know About

As graduation approaches, medical students are concerned with two things: having as much fun as possible before internship starts, and what to do when we have to start repaying the massive amount of debt accrued during school. I can't help you with internship, but I do want to point you to a relatively new (2007) government program which graduating students should seriously consider. The video below explains the value of combining Income Based Repayment (IBR) with Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) instead of entering forbearance as a resident. These two programs combined could save you $200,000 or more in the long run. The best part? To qualify you only have to work for a non-profit, and 80% of hospitals qualify.

Finally, make sure to file a tax return during your graduating year even if you didn't make any money as a student, as the next year's IBR will be based off that income. Check it out and let us know what you think!

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    Uncommon medical school students and residents.
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    aem1Ud Any spherical connected with applause on your web site document. Appreciate it All over again. Awesome.

Reader Comments (2)

Glad to see this since some financing info for medical students is sorely needed.

Apr 7 | Registered CommenterUncommon

Thanks for sharing this .

May 15 | Unregistered Commenterstarluxe

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