Twitter With BurbDoc
BurbDoc's not generally happy decided to set the world to rights via Twitter.
What' are docs using twitter for? Making sure that no patients get in the way of delivering healtcare the way that the doctor wants it delivered, that's what.
I heartily concur with BurbDoc's public (and private) patient punishments and laud his commitment to making life as hard as possible for the insurance companies. Bravo!
Some of BurbDoc's memorable Tweets:
- Gitmo can be more charming than my waiting room.
- Fired one asshole today for being a dick to my front office staff and nurses. We'll have none of that shit on my watch. #totalbastardPCP
- #StandingOrders if you ask me what drug is covered by your insurance, I'll give you a blanker look than you can give me.
- #StandingOrders Any gas I pass in the exam room is blamed on the patient. No exceptions.
- #StandingOrders More than 2 calls demanding a pain med refill will get your rx called in to a pharmacy at random. Good luck on your hunt.
- #StandingOrders Asshat to my nurse? Icy Hot gel will be used on your DRE instead of KY, you prick.
- #StandingOrders Anybody being an Asshat to my front office staff gets to enjoy the ambiance of my waiting room for a minimum of 1 hour.
- #StandingOrders For safety reasons and OSHA rules no one is allowed to use the staff shitter after my #morningshit for 90 minutes.
- #StandingOrders Attach this picture of my asshole to all faxbacks to Medco.
- #StandingOrders All patients demanding an immediate callback will go to the bottom of the message pile.
- #StandingOrders All faxes from Aetna Active Health Management go straight into the shredder.
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