The cure for the common medical student or resident.
Uncommon Student MD is the student companion site of Freelance MD which provides information and resources doctors who want more freedom and control of their career, medical practice, income and lifestyle.
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1) Try reading the passages first for an entire test, then try quickly taking a peek at the questions then reading the passage once while answering the questions. Students usually find one of these techniques helps most but everyone is different so the technique varies with the student.
2) Imagine a young relative in your family, a brother/sister/cousin, just starting junior high or high school. Before you read any passage, take 2 seconds to think of that person and tell yourself that you need to explain this passage in basic terms to them and in a way that would sound interesting to them. Think about that image. Now go for it! It will help you stay focused if you know you have to explain it to someone you care about.