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Start and End with AAMC Practice Tests
I know it seems odd to say, but the first thing you need to do is to take one of the AAMC's online practice MCAT CBTs (for example, Test #3 which is free; there is a direct link on our Members Home Page). There are too many companies out there that will try to deceive you about what the MCAT is like. Do it yourself, see it yourself before you end up buying 20 different books because you don't know who to believe. Leave the rest of the AAMC tests for after your review.
Design a Personal Study Schedule
Design a Personal Study Schedule: on average, set aside between 3-6 hours/day for between 3-6 months. You may need more or less time depending on your "pre-MCAT prep": for example, if you do alot of leisure reading, if you read the New York Times/The Economist/WSJ, if you completed all your basic sciences, if you have a 4.0 GPA, then you might need less time.
For more advice, visit