looks like many premeds don't use this website, I could like this lol I havent taken the MCAT yet. It is scheduled for this april 19. My plan to prepare for it is to do exactly as you say. I have my prep books, purchased a practice test and have three more months to study the heck out of the books and take additional pract test. I w/o having to spend the money realized that the prep courses are only best for those who need the help disciplining themselves. That is not a problem on mine, so it looks like I can save 2k...
Interesting website, just got a link to this site from a comment on mine.
As for studying for the MCAT on your own, I wrote a fairly extensive guide at medaholic.com
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I am curious about how people are preparing for the MCAT? I took the Kaplan course whole nine yards route. Let me tell you a tidbit of info that may help DON'T TAKE AN MCAT PREP COURSE. I found it was a waste of time that ended up being a guy telling YOU how YOU study best. If I were doing it over here's what I would do.
1) Buy a set of review books and study the heck out of them.
2) Take all the practice tests I could get my hands on. Kaplan's are formatted differently than the real thing. I liked AAMC's
3) Read voraciously. The mcat is all about being able to extrapolate info from text or diagram... quickly
Those three things are all anyone needs in my opinion, but I'm curious about any unique study techniques anyone else used.