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Medical School Forums > Why You Should NOT Go To Medical School

Med school was a great time and I miss all of those friends terribly, but the 'practice' of medicine as a career has left a number of physicians, including myself, in something of a conundrum as to what advice that we should give to med school students and even premed majors. The truth is that no one should go into medicine thinking that all is good. In fact, no one should go into medicine except if there is no other possible thing that could provide you the satisfaction you would get from being a physician. To be come one (a physician) you will sacrifice much of your life, your health, your family, and your friends.

I love being a doc and wouldn't do anything else, but I'd like to hear other physicians post on Why You Shouldn't Go To Medical School. I think that it's only fair to have opposing opinions about what med school students will face once...

Game on.

Jan 10 | Unregistered CommenterLika MD

No one can tell anyone else what to do as far as making a career choice. The issue is what to do if you make the choice to go to med school and it does not work out, either as a student, a resident or a practicing doc.

For some options, check www.sopenet.org and linkedin group

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