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Our Fantastic Sponsors
Freelance MD

If you offer value for physicians and you want to enhance your site or brand awareness, Uncommon Student MD sponsorships put you in front of the perfect target audience. We offer partners a wide array of innovative marketing and partnership opportunities — from tapping into our Select Partner Program — to custom programs through our member communications, conferences and event sponsorships.

Why Uncommon Medical Students?

  • With access to thousands of physicians (and growing), Uncommon Student MD is part of a distributed network that has become the epicenter of a new physician movement. Join the leading brands who are using Uncommon Student MD as an effective and powerful platform for reaching physician influencers.
  • Our high-value audience includes though leading physicians, top companies, entrepreneurs, trendsetters, and tech enthusiasts - in other words, the new pulse of medical culture.
  • We can tailor programs to meet your specific objectives, and are passionate about collaborating on new ways to connect to our community. Or, smaller businesses can take advantage of our do-it-yourself advertising program.
  • Contact Us



    Square Banner

     $350 / Month

    (LIMITED TIME OFFER: $175 for the first month!)

    What you get: 1 Banner. (125 x 125 ) at the top of the main navigation bar.

    Your advertisement is displayed on over 600+ individual pages on a PageRank 4 website with high search engine authority.

    Availability: Currently a maximum of six links.

    Benefits: Your advertisement is given the very highest visibility. Every visitor to Freelance MD will be exposed to your campaign. This package is ideal for branding and sending direct traffic to your site.

    Note: you will need to supply your own 125 x 125 banner as a JPEG, PNG, or GIF. If you need a banner created we charge an additional $50. You may change banners at any time. (No animation)

    No Risk: Cancel your run through PayPal at any time.



    Full Width Banner

    $600 / Month

    (LIMITED TIME OFFER: $375 for the first month!)

    What you get: Platinum sponsors gain all the benefits of both the Text Link Package and the Banner Package above, but have the additional benefit of a full with image that's more than twice as big.

    For maximum visibility and traffic this is the place. Platinum sponsors recieve the banner placement.

    Availability: As available.

    Benefits: Your campaign includes text links and banners in all available positions. This is the ultimate package for maximum exposure for branding, traffic and SEO purposes over long term. Platinum Sponsorship is subject to availability and approval. (No animation)

    No Risk: Cancel your run through PayPal at any time.



    Custom Packages

    Cost: Varies

    Don't see a standard package that fits your needs? Contact us and let us know what those needs are so we can design a custom solution.



    The prices above are subject to change or revision without notice. Pricing may be different for specific large vertical markets or clients without a track record on Uncommon Student MD.



    After making payment please send through links to your banners (host them on your server), text link anchor text and URL(s) to link to, or the site you want reviewed, to Uncommon Student MD via the email page.

Uncommon Student MD is an active community of medschool students and residents.

All rights reserved.