Uncommon Student MD: medical school students and residents learning how to control our medical career and expand our opportunities. Join Our Mailing List

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Here's to the crazy ones. When we talk to our physician readers at conferences or during ...
Most of us who studied medicine went into medical school thinking that they were going into ...

Our goal is to help future physicians design their medical career and lifestyle during and after medical school. We made this website.

For too long, medical students have suffered from inefficiency, disorganization, and careers at the mercy of bureaucracy of what is 'typical' medicine. Uncommon is an active community of medical school students, residents and physicians that gives you information about desiging your medical career in ways that you may have never imagined... even if you've been drinking the cool-aid.

Why Uncommon Student MD?

This site is defined by our insistence that physicians need to have control of their own careers and lifestyle and that whining about how you're not appreciated, overworked, and underpaid isn't going to get you anywhere.

Every part of Uncommon Student MD is developed with the mindset that we want to provide clear options to physicians and empower them to make their own choices and take intelligent, direct action.

We think that providing the information and resources that medschool students and residents need to design and enjoy their medical career is good for the public, good for the practice of medicine, and good for doctors. That mindset, along with our fanatically loyal student community and our awesome roster of contributing physician and student authors, has allowed Uncommon Student MD to grow into a thriving community and trusted resource for docs around the world.

We're not interested in the useless hand-wringing that populates so much of medicine and that so many physicians have bought in to. If you're looking for another group of doctors who just sit on their thumbs, you've come to the wrong place.

But, if you want to take action to control your career, add income streams and improve your lifestyle, we invite you to join us.

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Please stay in touch with what Uncommon Student MD is up to through one of our subscription methods. Also, please connect to our community through Twitter or Facebook.

The Epic Rise Of Uncommon Student MD: A story in multiple parts.

Freelance MD has had some amazing growth since we launched. If you want to read an extended version of our story we've written a few posts about "What Is Freelance MD?" our first 100 days and The Epic Rise Of Freelance MD. You might also like to visit our press page.

We've also received a lot of inquires about joining Freelance MD so we've written a number of posts to get help you get started, from how to add a Freelance MD badge to your website, to how to write a guest post, to how to become a contributing author.



The Founding Team

Uncommon Student MDs inception began over a dinner during the 2011 Medical Fusion Conference in Las Vegas. Uncommon Student MD is the result.


Justin Weaver is currently a 3rd year medical student at Loma Linda University as part of a dual degree Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery residency program. He believes that physicians who have found creative ways to follow their passion will be the happiest and make the biggest impact in the world. Because of this, he has chosen to surround himself with, and learn from physicians who do just that.

His interests include medical innovation, entrepreneurship, and humanitarian work. In addition to being recognized for his leadership and research excellence, he has worked with various humanitarian organizations in countries like Honduras, Panama, Peru, Nicaragua, India, and Bangladesh.

His the goal for his life is simple, “Look for ways to make a difference, every day.” Justin is married to the love of his life, Sarah and they will be adding a little girl to the family later this year. He feels that one of the best examples he can give to his daughter is a father who living his dreams. Also, he is tall.


Jeremy Weaver is a first year medical student at Loma Linda University
and has taken the scenic route to get there. He took a year between his junior and senior year of undergraduate study at Southern Adventist University to
live in Kafue, Zambia. While there he worked on various humanitarian aid and development projects with an independent developement organization called Outpost Centers International. He has also been involved in humanitarian projects in India, Dominican Republic, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Ethiopia, and Thailand.

After graduating, Jeremy and a friend got the hairbrained idea that they should take a year and travel around the world, literally. They started in Ushuaia, Argentina - Cape Horn and traveled the longest route possible to the southwestern tip of Africa, The Cape of Good Hope. Using predominantly ground transportation was one of the stipulations. He used his blog to raise money for various humanitarian projects they encountered along the way.

Authentic travel remains one of his driving passions along with such other varied pursuits as rock Climbing, snowboarding, scuba Diving, triathlons, and craigslist. A philosophy he tries to live by is the idea that if you truley love what you do, you will do it well, and if you do something well, regardless of what it is, you will be happier for it. The rest (money, recognition, respect) doesn't matter as much, but will usually come anyway. This is a concept he is learning to incorporate into his path through medical school.




Uncommon Student MD is an active community of medschool students and residents.

All rights reserved.